LG_Round_100THANK YOU for partnering with us to promote Strategic CEO and, in particular, the Strategic Margin Workshops and Intensive.

I don’t take lightly your willingness to help us promote our upcoming programs and I’m deeply appreciative of your consideration to do so. I’m sure you’re like me in giving careful consideration of the things you get behind. You want to promote those who bring value to your network, provide a quality offering and respects the relationship you have with your network. In short, you want whatever you get behind to enhance your brand and personal reputation.

I share that objective with you. I trust that you are considering this because you know the quality that I strive to achieve in everything that I do. And you also know that I will respect and add value to your network.

But I also want to add value to you—directly. So, I’ve designed a number of partner benefits for these programs that are described on the right. Please look them over and if you’re ready to join me in promoting these upcoming programs, simply reply to the email you received to let me know.

Thanks again for your consideration.

Venture forth!


p.s. If you’d like to discuss any aspect of this program, please feel free to call me at 612.384.2290.

Some questions you may have.

The invitation you received was sent to a select list of people from our network to be a Strategic CEO promotional partner. Only those who have either expressed a verbal interest to participate or those we believe have an aligned interest to share this program information with their clients were invited to participate.
As a thank you for promoting our upcoming programs we will offer you a commission for each registration received that either uses your promo code (for the Workshops) or lists you as a referral (for the Intensive). The commissions are $100 per Workshop participant and $300 per Intensive participant.

Or, if commissions are not your thing, we’ll be happy to list your business logo as a promotional partner on our website and at the workshop.

We simply ask that you promote our upcoming Workshops and Intensive in the way that works best for you. Typically, that would involve sending emails about the program, posting on social media, and the like. However, the sky is the limit and we’d be happy to discuss with you appearances at your meetings, writing a guest blog post for your website, being interviewed for your podcast, or whatever.
We are offering a $100 promotion discount that you can offer to your clients. This allows you to promote the value of discount to your network. Contact me directly to receive your promotion code.

Because of the exclusive and limited size of the Intensive, no promotion codes will be offered. However, if you choose, you can share your commission with your client to provide a discount to them.

As a promotional partner, you will receive a complimentary ticket to the Strategic Margin Workshop.

Because the Intensives are limited to only four CEOs, it won’t be possible to extend an invitation for that program.

Simply reply to the email we sent you and let us know what promo code you want us to use on the registration. We’ll let you know when that’s set up and you can begin your promotion. If you like, we can also send you to some promotional copy that you can use in your emails.